Daisypath Happy Birthday tickers

Monday, October 17, 2011

Langkawi Trip

Well, me and sakthi had a trip to Langkawi somewhere in June i guess.. And it was fabulous.. Here are few of the snaps which we had taken all along our journey.. 

                                                   Sakthi in the train ( sleeping coach) Awesome!!

                                                Me in the cab in Arau..On the way to the Jetty!

                                                   Breakfast in Arau!! Yummy!! 

                                                    Both of us in the ferry! It was mind-blowing..

                                                    I forgot this elephants name! It was huge!! 

                           This is a picture in the cable car going to the Sky-bridge!  It was awesome...
                                            This was amazing as you stand up in the windy bridge! 

                                                 Look at the view!! Awesome right!!

     Haha!! This was damn funny..No one notice it and got few of them were still smoking!

                                           One of the map at the bridge! 

                                               700 meters!! Cool isn't it! 

 This is the skybridge!! It was awesome..Walking all the way with the fear of you falling down..Spooky!!

                                                                     The cable car!

                                                    It was very windy! And was feeling abit cold! 

                                                  This is one of the place that i visited..  

                                            That is our hotel..Oriental Village... Awesome!

My trip to Langkawi was awesome..looking forward to go again and have lots of fun! 

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