Hellow my fellow bloggers!!
It's me... and ya.. it's been a while since I updated my blog.. Had been super busy with exams and work..
My exams just finished last week.. Had the best vacation..Me and a bunch of friends made a plan to Penang..And it was fabulous.. I know I know, Langkawi was the best of all.. But Penang was not bad at all..
The food in Penang is so yummylicious.. Cheap and the apartment that we stayed was awesome..
Sunrise and sunset with loved ones.. Gosh..It's so so meaningful..
This was the view from our apartment... Beautiful isn't it!! Gosh.. So breathtaking....
We visited many many places in Penang.. Went to the best cendol place after having lunch at Kapitan.. This restaurant was in Penang town..The best chicken beriyani.. Damn yummylicious..Gosh..I wanna go again!! Seriously it was awesome... So, it was five of US.. The same gang from previous trip..
Its Kishen and Kelvin @ Vince..... Hehheheh... Our team's macho guys!!
Its Charlene, Me & Mitrra...
Well, they are my best best best friends!!!! Love you guys!!
So both of this pictures was taken at the LCC Terminal.. Before onboarding... :) Its was awesome..The journey took about 40 minutes if I'm not mistaken... Worth it!..
Wasting time snapping pictures!!
Kelvin sending last Text to Someone... Hehehehehehehe!!!
Well, once we arrived at the apartment.. Gosh, the view!! was awesome..and the interior of the apartment was FAB!!
This was the girl's room... hehe..We came in first and took this room..Both of the guys were actually in the lobby..haha..pity them...
This was their room!! Nice uh!
This was the living room! Was huge...
The interior of the apartment..Full with liquors...this was the best for the guys.. LOL..got so excited..Even Charlene..cz Red wine was there.. hahahahahahahahahah!!! Cant forget the moments.!!! EPIC!!!
Posing with the liquors!! LOL.. Never had the chance to do that before..So hell yea!!
* Pictures Update* 1st Day in Penang
- Surprise by this middle man! LOL....
On the way up!!
The temple at Bukit Bendera...
- Bukit Bendera...
- At night...Too tired... after the *drinking session*..LOL... hahhahahahaha!!!
********************2nd Day ********************
-Me & Kishen... hehehe
- Eating Pizza from Bella Italia... The Pizza is so super YUMMY!! Located at Batu Feringgi...
- At SOMEWHERE... I dont remember.. LOL..
-Charlene enjoying her food and Sandish is talking to Kelvin!
- Sudden shot!
- Calculation Time!!
I had the best vacation withmy friends... Got sick the next day..LOL.. I wish I can go for vacation again.. Hehehe.. Well, I think the next plan will be sometime after our semester exams..most likely in September..Planning to go Phuket.. Hehehe..Will be awesome.. Hopefully, the next one is better than this trip!!
I love you guys alot... And the penang pictures are too many..especially on the food side.. No time now.. Gotta go and sleep..It's too late... Will update ASAP.. Promise..
See you guys...
Thanks for tuning in,... <3 :)