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Saturday, July 11, 2015


It's been long since I wrote the last entry. Well, due to so many reasons, I apologize.

Just bought a new laptop thou. 

I'm still working at the same place. I do love my job but there are certain people who are so fake whom i do not wish to mention due to some unwanted issues.

Oh well, how's life? 

Mine is okay. Regular check-ups. No, I'm not pregnant. It's related to my spine issue actually. Let's talk about this topic. Maybe some of you guys are unaware of this spine problem which is quiet dangerous I would say because I'm having it.

Spine. What is spine?

It is a series of vertebrae extending from the skull to the small of the back, enclosing the spinal cord and providing support for the thorax and abdomen; the backbone.

Image result for scoliosis

The left one is a normal spine and the right one is a spine abnormality which is known as Scoliosis.

Scoliosis is a is a lateral (toward the side) curvature in the normally straight vertical line of the spine. When viewed from the side, the spine should show a mild roundness in the upper back and shows a degree of swayback (inward curvature) in the lower back. When a person with a normal spine is viewed from the front or back, the spine appears to be straight. When a person with scoliosis is viewed from the front or back, the spine appears to be curved.

It is super painful. The pain is unbearable and  sometimes you just wished to die.

I was diagnosed having this in the year of 2014. I have never realized all this till I had a terrible back ache and my mother decided to bring me to the hospital. Doctors were literally shocked and said that they are quiet surprised that I did not realize any of this on the past years. Even I was like okayyyy. Wassup. What are you talking about. Since my mother is a nurse, her face reaction gave me goosebumps.

 I asked the doctors again, What is it all regarding, they said that you're diagnosed with Scoliosis. I asked the doctors again, What is scoliosis? The doctors explained and I thought I was dying. I never though I would have this. Hospitals and me? No wayyyyy. I was admitted for a day. The doctors spoke to my mother and they referred me to a Orthopedic Specialist on the very next day.

The moment I reached home, didn't change, straight took my lappy and googled "Scoliosis".

I kept on thinking why me? What caused this. I was crying the whole day. 

Then the very next day, me and my mother went to the hospital to meet the specialist. There, the doctor took my blood test, MRI, X-rays and what not. The blood test was to see of there is any bone cancer. *touchwood* There was nothing like that. It was normal and just my bone was a little different from a normal person.

My spine took a shape of an "S" just like the picture above. The doctor told me not to worry as 80% of the world population has this Scoliosis. Mine was a very mild with only 9 Degrees. I was a little relieved. He recommended for physiotherapy at the one of the well known physio center. I fixed an appointment on the very next day. The consultant and therapist I met there was very helpful. They told me the do's and dont's. I cant wear high heels, go for extreme activities and stuff. My dreams shattered.

While going for the physio sessions, my back pain was not going away easily. I cried almost everyday. Due to the painkillers and injections, I gained almost 9kgs in just a span of 10 months. I was afraid. When I went for a routine check up at the hospital, the doctors were in shocked to see me. I gained so much of weight till the doctor said it is dangerous for me to gain weight considering on the fact that I'm having scoliosis.

Recently I went for another check up, the doctors compared my last year report with the recent ones. The doctors claimed that the scoliosis has increased to 29 degrees. In the span of just 1 year, it increased to 20 degrees. I was scared. Tears in my eyes. Increasing heartbeat. The doctor gave a me painful brace to wear and suggested me to take up swimming. There is no any other option then going swimming. The last option will be a surgery which is recommended if only the degrees increased to 40 and above, 

I just don't want to die this fast. The doctors claimed that there will be so many complications in life which I wont be able to avoid. Let's hope for the best and live life happily for once.

I'm glad I have my family beside me to support me all the time. My friends that gives me hope. And a boyfriend that holds my hand  tight and give me courage to keep fighting with the pain, I'm glad. Even if I'm to die tomorrow, I wont regret.

It's almost year end and hopefully I'm able to write down my New Years Resolution for the year of 2016. Keeping my fingers crossed.

Thank you for tuning in everyone! 

Thank you for the 20k views. Thank you so much! :)

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