Today I'm gonna say something to everyone. Don't worry not the same old dialogue that I'm super busy and stuff.

Well, I'm at the path of my life that I myself do not know if I will be long in this world anymore.
I'm trying to enjoy and live my life. But there are many people that dislikes what I am doing. I don't care actually but there is a part of me that feels that I'm overdoing it by showing off. I'm not actually showing off, but i just feel like doing it. I'm trying to take things positively, think positive. But there are many people who thinks that I'm taking advantage on it.
I really do not show off. It's just me. Plus, I'm trying to keep myself happy and positive even after many painful sessions happening, down with so much of pain. Those who thinks that I'm bad, brainless, judgmental and stuff, try to be in my shoes just for a day. Let me know how painful is it in being in my shoes.
I have a very supportive family. I love them to bits as they really do understand me and encourage me when I'm down. For me, my family comes first. The rest is definitely later.
Most of the people thinks that for me, love and relationship comes first. Yes, it does but with my family first. I do not judge people. My besties know me well. They are the most understanding and love-able friends. They are always there for me whenever I need them. Thank you so much babes. I love you you both! Thank you so so so much darlings! Amy and Mithra, you both are real gems of my life!

Coming back to me, I have many things to say. I just can't express it. People will definitely judge me. I don't bother but I don't like people being bitchy and stuff. Since the world is so much advanced in social media, people will post on FB, Instagram, screenshots and send to many people , snapchats, BBM and what not.
Can't I just live my life once? Can't I just be myself? Can't I express my feelings? Can't I just say whatever I like? Can't I be friend with anyone?

I have many questions to ask, but to whom should I say?
People are so judgmental these days. This is just for those who thinks that my post is always about them. It's actually not. It's just random. People who know me personally, they know.
I don't like to have enemies. I don't like to argue and fight.
I prefer being friends with everyone even those who thinks that I'm pretending to be someone that I'm not. I love being myself.
I have been diagnosed with a serious illness which I don't think will be ok. But still I'm trying to be positive.I'm smiling and people think that I'm having a very happy life. The smile is just a mask which covers all the sadness. I cry almost everyday. I have serious pains especially after physiotherapy sessions. People don't understand.

I have many people that gives me moral support that everything will be ok and stuff. Wearing a brace which is so painful shatters me. I may not say anything and show to everyone about what I feel but my mother knows everything. I always remember that my mother always say, even though the outside world might be raining, if u keep on smiling, the sun will show up and and smile back to you. I am doing it. I'm being positive but sometimes after thinking of what am I going thru is really heart breaking.
Back in 2013, everything was so good and smooth.

The step into 2014 was a real bad luck! I can say that, my dreams shattered!

It's just that I don't tell anything to anyone. Now I can't control the feelings because I cant share it with anyone. My boyfriend is not here and very difficult to contact him as he is a sailor. I'm scared to share with my mother because I know she will feel so sad and won't be able to control her emotions.
I will be lying to myself and the rest if I say to people that I'm fine!

I just hope that all will be fine. I'm just an ordinary person who want everyone to unite and smile.
Don't over think and be so judgmental. Do not follow your emotions because one day, all will be gone with just one act.
I know that I have wasted your precious time by reading all nonsense stuffs.
Thank you so so much darling lovelies! I appreciate it.

Oh oh oh oh, and thank you so much for the 17k view!
No matter what you're going through, there's a light at the end of the tunnel and it may seem hard to get to it but you can do it and just keep working towards it and you'll find the positive side of things.

Thank you lovelies! God Bless!
1 comment:
I've updated my MOC status on the very last week so it'll stay and be a moral support to those who needed when I'm no longer around.
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