Everyone has their ups and downs in a relationship.. I had the worst!! It just ended up in 2 years and the 2 years we was not even meeting up.. He was not even in Malaysia.. SO there is no any chance for me to go out with my BOYFRIEND!!
Damn, this is just so sick!! I feel like everyone is just keeping an eye on me.. Am I really something really to watch??
I'm so pissed...
The story is coming out really different.. " Oh, the BOYS family get rid of the GIRL because of something"...
Do you guys know what was the problem???????
It wasn't the GIRL!! It was the BOYS problem... He was a person who thinks a lot.. I don't know what happen to him.. I don't know... Reason for the break was not even disclosed.. He told me that he cant take care of me.. He is a pilot.. He cant make any promises..no commitments.. That's what he said.. I even tried talking to him.. He said this logic thing.. He said "We better end this up now before we end this after 7 years..Better to take break now before we really get close"....This is what he said....
This is what happened.. N to tell you all the truth..I don't know what he said to his family members..Must be bad stuffs.. I cant help it.. It's his option..and life..You're just coward for not telling the truth to your family..That's all I can say.. I'm sorry.. I have no grudge on you.. But because of you, I'm facing all this.. I wish you had a sister.. You will feel it..
But people, please do not label the person as PLAYGIRL / PLAYBOY... You don't know what is the meaning.. SO do not use it as well!!
Relationships are meant to break.. Not all will last..Some will and some don't...
Please don't make assumptions.. I feel really sorry for you guys...
I just got to know this from my mother.. and I was like..
Imagine, my mom told me this.. I was so so so so pissed.. If I ever get this a$$hole.. he will get a tight slap, a kick and i might KILL u.. Just beware!!
Thank god I have the best family, the best parents..The best Mom and Dad... I love you both!!!
Gosh... This is my life...
And P.S ===================================
I hope you read this.....!!
KARMA WILL GET YOU!! And, people,..stop talking about others.. look into yourselves before you talk about others alright... Love you all fr making my life more interesting than yours.. :P
Thanks for tuning in...
ignore the haters~ and live ur life~u know ur not wrong why stress? just move on and enjoy ur life~
Thanks ravin!! Thanks alot.. Some people are just stupid.. Dont know how to behave and react..Well, let their chilren to grow first and let the idiot to have a daughter.. Then he will understand..
no worries...there is something called "karma" what goes around comes around...u just chill and move on~ :)
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