Daisypath Happy Birthday tickers

Wednesday, April 11, 2012


I'm damn freaking happy cos my blog is reaching on 9000 views! Damn, it feels great that when our blog has reached this amount of view.. 
Time to Partaayyyy!!!!!!!!!
I have bought new clothes! The nice nice wan la.. Hehe.. Cant show it here.. ( ish ish ) Shy... Hehehe..
Have been feeling great lately.. No commitments.. Only concentration on job, and my studies.. 
With the support of my friends I'm going through it nicely... 
I would love to thank my friends....
( Charlene, Kelvin, Mitrra, Kishen, Yahmunah, Sandish, & few of them in the list) The new ones has just came and had made me to laugh like crazy in the office.. haha.. Thank you Ravin.. :)
I know you're gonna read this but I'm not really sure about the rest..


Thank you guys..... <3

And cant wait to wear the new clothes!!

Thanks for tuning in..<3