Daisypath Happy Birthday tickers

Monday, March 19, 2012


Hi everyone.. Namaste to everyone once again...
Well, today is nothing much..Just an ordinary Monday.. I just hate mondays... :)
The best part was when I enter the office, It was freaking blackout.. No electricity.. It was awesome.. Haha..
Yahmuna and me was jumping in happiness.. haha.. Btw, Yahmuna is my new friend and she is AWESOME!!

She is damn loving.. Well, obviously you can know from this picture over here.. LOL.. 
I feel better here because I have someone to talk and someone who really understands me ..:)
I'm sure she is gonna see this and start jumping.. She is getting featured in my blog.. 
I will explain more in detail..But now back to assignment mode..  :)



Thanks for tuning in..:)

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