Daisypath Happy Birthday tickers

Thursday, January 26, 2012


It's a boring day.. *sob sob*
I want to eat ice-cream ... :(
I went for a trip to Port Dickson with my fellow friends.. It was an awesome trip.. Something different..
I got sunburn.. 
That's the most annoying part.. I hate it.. My skin complexion will be completely different than now..
People may start thinking that I'm dark and stuff.. Actually I'm not that dark neither that milky fair..
I wish I had skin like Kristen Stewart...:(

Ya ya.. I know.. She's pale.. So what.. at-least she is gorgeous.. :)
I don't feel like writing today.. It's just a random bored post which has nothing to talk about at all.. LOL..
Thanks for tuning in by the way.. :) 

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