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Thursday, July 7, 2016

Working Life

Here I am again. Posting the second post of the year. Quite late though. No time. I'm always busy. Haha.

Working life is so damn stressful when you're working for one of the most reputable bank. Things can go handy. I have never thought that I would be standing where I am today. Without the hard work and constant support from my family, this won't be possible.

All I would like to say is never be too proud on what you have now as this is life. Today you have and tomorrow you don't. The career you're having now is not forever and you won't be standing there your whole life and doing the same thing. Career is called as a career when you develop yourself and bring yourself to the next level. That is career.

It took me 7 years to be where I am today. I'm so so grateful to Waheguru for showing me the right way and my family to guide me throughout my struggling career. Started out in a bank back in year 2009 at the age of 18 and now I'm 25. Matured enough to make my own decisions now.
Working life can be very stressful but it depends on how you really handle those situation. Banking career? It's always stressful. Hahaha. 

I think i have been blabbering about myself too much ehhhhh. Hahahaha.

Minta ampun. 




It's been awhile. Hello everyone.

My first post for the year of 2016. Sadly but yes. Been so busy. Was without laptop for quite long. So there you go. My reason for the "awayness". Haha. How are you people?

All good?

So, this year was a roller coaster ride eh. Currency drops, government issues, bombings and what not. What is gonna happen to this world. Is the world going to end? I wonder.

I hope it ends. WHY?

>> Because people are more  ruthless, repulsive, manipulative, violent and what not. It is too obvious. The news channel has it running all year long. People being murdered, snatch theft victims, acid attacks, organ scandals, rapes and etc. What the authorities are doing? They have the same dialogue when we ask for answers" We are working on it". Ya RIGHT.

It is so sad to see that human beings are so damn cunning. Workplace is not longer a workplace. It's like a sex service provider. Where people sleep with each other for their own benefits. Friends turn down their own friends. Backstabbing is so normal these days. No one is real. Why people need a lot of friends? Actually there is no need for friends, your closest friend, best friends and even siblings can do shit for you. Talking bad about this person to that person has become a norm.

A criminal is hidden inside of every human being. It just takes each another to ignite the hidden "talent".

I'm just so speechless. Why people are being so judge-mental? No other better work? It's really upsetting.

The picture says it all! :)

Well well, thank you for 22k views.

