Well, this month has been a tough month.. Struggling everyday.. LOL.. haha..
No worries..I will not crap about my work here.. Duhh!!
I'm just so tired.. This month was full with assignment submission and preparation for exams..Having exams next week.. Wish me luck everyone..
Hope I can do my exams well.. Must get into Dean's list.. :)
So, as you know that I'm busy and stuff.. There is many many attentions that I'm getting from guys.. I have no idea why.. Just because I'm single, everyone is like WOW....LOL..
Haiz..I know who is sincere and who is bullshitting..
It's just difficult to choose.. I don't want a relationship right now.. I have been heart broken once and now..Again??
No more this boys stories!!!
SO, as I was saying..Study.... Exams is coming soon..and I really have to prepare myself.. Last minute study really does help alot.. LOL.. hahaha...
It's so depressing to know that EXAMS is around the corner...
Thanks for tuning in...:)